Principal's Message
At Delhi Public School Damanjodi each child come to us as a Divine Gift from Heaven and we endeavour to promote students’ learning growth and holistic development.
We value diversity with enriched culture of sharing and service, trust and pride.
In consonance with the school motto – “Service Before Self”, we affirm the following commitments :
We believe that education is service to society ; our mission is to educate for empowerment and enlightenment.
We shall strive to make our school a place where each child’s potential is developed to the optimum so that we may reach the goal of excellence in a competitive world.
We recognize the critical importance of taking ownership of our learning. We seek to learn from the full range of our experience, to be open to new experiences and new ideas ; and to continuously pursue excellence and fulfillment in our intellectual, social and spiritual pursuits and life long learning.
We value differences of opinion and perspective as well as open, respectful dialogue about the differences, as central to the ongoing learning process.
We commit ourselves to participate in community services and volunteer activities, both in and outside the campus.
Enhancing environmental quality is critical to school, the community and ultimately to the survival of the planet. We attempt to sensitise students towards their responsibility for an energetically viable planet. We act to maintain and improve our facilities and grounds to enhance the safety, security and appearance of our surroundings and to protect the ecology in all five elements - Earth, Sky, Air, Fire and Water, for the community at large.
We aim to create a positive and inclusive campus culture celebrating both the individual and cultural difference that make each student unique and the similarities, which bond us together.
We build trust when the students communicate openly, when they seek justice and fairness for all regardless of role or position, and when we honour the values and commitment in private as well as public behavior. We reach outward to seek and inform, involve and include new students, employees and others, who share vision and principles of DPS Damanjodi.